"Many times a dead sea marries a babbling brook." --from The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Gary Chapman
This quote is in reference to the differences of personality types between people. A dead sea is a quiet individual, someone who would much rather listen to a conversation than keep one going. A babbling brook is the opposite. Most people think the female in the relationship is the babbling brook. Don't be deceived! There are plenty of male babblers out there. Oftentimes they babble about things that make absolutely no sense, like, "It feels like you washed my T-shirt with rocks. Why's it so hard, and where did all these little balls come from? I just bought the shirt. And why don't you hang up my shirts when you wash them. You don’t fold so well either. Doesn’t this look wrinkled to you?"
Actually, this might be the mindless ramblings of a complainer, not a babbler. It’s a complainbler. My new word that I made up. But when you don't feel like listening to this complainbler, just say this: “Do your own damn laundry then.”
Babbling brook shuts up. Just like that.
We’ve all been accused of babbling, I’m sure, especially when you’re around someone you really enjoy talking to. Have you noticed, however, that strangers do this to people? I actually believe there is a label burned into my forehead that says PLEASE TALK TO ME. Strangers approach me all the time, especially in waiting lines or grocery aisles or in the mall when I’m shopping for jewelry or jeans or high heels that will no doubt put in a hospital someday. These strangers keep talking and I wonder where their automatic shut off button is. Oh, that’s right; they don’t have one because they’re babblers! But I listen to these people, because it’s rude not to, especially when the passion of their conversation coats their skins in such an interestingly, vibrant way. And I smile at them. I’m good at smiling.
Babbling, though, not so much. Well, sometimes, depending on who you are.